Nehru Jacket

Groom Wear Four Layerd Mala
Product Code : MML39319
Baby Pink Four Layerd Mala For Groom
Product Code : MML39314
Wedding Wear Three Layer Mala
Product Code : MML39302
Wedding Wear Three Layered Pearl Mala
Product Code : MML39300

Nehru Jacket

Nehru jackets were basically born amidst the upheavals of the freedom struggle where many revolutionaries were seen wearing plain jackets over cotton kurta pajamas, to banish British made clothes. The influential Indian leader Jawaharlal Nehru adopted this simple closed collar jacket as his signature look, and thus came to be known as the Nehru jacket. Over the years, Nehru jackets have found their way into the wedding outfit and many important occasions. In fact, it has become a quintessential attire that enhances the overall look and personality of a man.